Foundational Terminology

The purpose of this section is to provide basic reference terminology as a foundation for the concepts and terminology related to the DocuPhase Platform.




Active Directory

Active Directory (AD) is a centralized and standardized system that automates network management of user data, security and distributed resources and enables interoperation with other directories.

Active Directory Integrated Services (ADIS)   

ADIS is an DocuPhase feature where one login step will serve to identify a user to other components of their suite of related products.  For example, logging into DocuPhase will enable a user to also access ScanDox and other related products without a separate login step.

In addition, DocuPhase is able to utilize the Active Directory (AD) information to improve the DocuPhase Administration and User experiences.



A DocuPhase-Analytics Analysis rendering basically consists of one or more Analytics Objects presented in the Analytics Work Area.  All Objects in an Analysis are connected, allowing one Object to be used to specify or influence data shown in the other Objects. 

For example by using Drill-Down or applying a Filter criteria to one of the Objects in an analysis, the other “connected” object displays are influenced to remain in synchronization based on the established Drill-Down or Filter criteria.


Analytics Notification

This is similar to a DocuPhase iAlert or Progression Notification where email messages are sent upon encountering a matching event condition.  In the case of Analytics, the matching event is determined when an analysis is performed that returns results which match a pre-defined BI event-condition.


Analytics Object

Analytics Objects are basically windows within the Analytics Work Area that display data. An Object can show data in many ways, for instance as a pie chart or a table. Within each Object window, it is possible to influence which data is displayed and how it is displayed. Objects can be used on their own, but typically for composing Analyses consisting of multiple related Objects.


Analytics Report

An Analytics Report is a report generated in printable format by the Analytics Server from built-in or interfaced Data Sources – This reporting functionality can produce paper, PDF and other output formats and it is also called ‘Analytics Reports’.


Note:  Other types of Reports can be generated by DocuPhase and other external report writers outside of the Analytics capabilities.



The term Application has several meanings depending on the context, so when the appropriate context is not obvious, the name of the context is used to qualify the term such as:  DocuPhase Application, iForms Application, Google Application, Software Application, etc.

§ In DocuPhase, a DocuPhase Application is the digital equivalent of a filing cabinet.   Each application will utilize a common set of index fields that are used to describe and locate the documents and media files that are stored in that application (i.e., electronic filing cabinet).

Note:  A DocuPhase Application is a virtual and digital filing cabinet where specified types of documents are indexed and stored:

§ Progression links to DocuPhase Application cabinets when building its workflow Document Definitions so that the Progression-level workflow document and its corresponding  DocuPhase-level documents operate as one extended definition.

§ A Google Application is a Google Application Account that provides Google services after you log in.

§ A Software Application is an LOB-specific or generic software program or suite of programs that may be integrated with DocuPhase and iForms using the DocuPhase iLink module.



A Binder is a collection of documents, such as a virtual folder, that contain one or more DocuPhase Documents by using links to reference them while the documents are still protected within DocuPhase and can be shared.

Binder objects also provide information to the iDox Service and the Progression Engine regarding what files to process, where they are located and where to move them once they are processed.

Key fields that hold the same type of index information on documents in a binder are the means for associating and binding the documents together as a binder object. 

A binder object can then serve as a work item allowing one or more documents to be moved and processed at the same time through a workflow for a business process.


For example, in the Human Resource Application, the Binder may hold all the documents related to a process (i.e. the I-9, W2, Employment Application, Employee Resume and Interviewer Notes) for the same employee.

Note: Sub-Binders are an embedded binder within a binder (i.e., recursive nesting is possible, since this can be done at more than one nested level).




A BIT is a binary digit taking a value of either 0 or 1.  The abbreviation kb refers to 1024 bits (e.g., 1 kb – 1024 bits vs. 1KB – 1024 Bytes of 8-bits each).


Business Process

In general, a business process is a sequence of related activities or tasks that produce a specific business result or product that is expected to meet or comply with defined requirements.


Business Process Automation (BPA)


Business Process Automation is the process of integrating software applications to supplement and/or substitute manual processes to manage the information flow within an organization to lower costs, reduce risks and increase operational efficiencies.

For example, using Progression will allow you to apply automation and consistency to a business process to further reduce costs and drive efficiency.

The Progression Engine in conjunction with the DocuPhase Workflow tab in its browser UI drive the operational BPA (i.e., the Business Process Execution (BPE)).


Business Process Design (BPD)

In Progression, a business is considered to have many Processes that can each be further decomposed into: Tasks, Steps, Decision Points, and Actions related to a workflow work-item being processed.  

Using Progression Designer, a graphical representation of these components and how they are connected is used to create and maintain business process workflow designs.


Business Process Improvement (BPI)


Business Process Improvement is a systematic approach to improving an organization’s business processes.

Business Process Improvement consists of defining the organization’s: who, what and why, the organizations customers and the how the process can be done more efficiently.


For example, by defining who you are, what you do and why you do it, the organization’s strategic goals, purposes and objectives are realigned; by defining who you serve, the organization and the customers are realigned. The realigning exercise fosters a radical change in an organizations behavior, rather than small incremental changes overall.

However once major business process improvements have been accomplished, BPI can continue to provide further incremental refinements and improvements.


Business Process Management (BPM)


An automated BPM system is designed to manage an organization’s information content in multiple media formats as well as provide automated and manual support to an organizations business processes and employees.


DocuPhase and Progression are components that provide BPM and BPA automation with a robust Analytics BI capability integrated for presenting real-time status and reporting on an organization’s content and business operations.


The same Business Process graphical representation used to design the system can also be utilized by managers and supervisors, with appropriate permissions, to view workflow progress and status of process-transactions as well as re-allocate resources as needed in real-time for the resulting operational processes.


Business Process Re-Engineering (BPR)

Business Process Re-Engineering is a re-design process to bring fresh perspectives on improving the business process; including reexamining the company’s goals and improving critical areas with performance measures such as cost, quality, service and speed.

For example, a company might discover that the Human Resource department vacation request process is currently costing the company $X because first the employee must print out the request, walk it over to the manager for approval and then walk it over to the payroll department.

Each of these steps are a cost to company; however, if the process was automated by electronically submitting the document to the appropriate manager, the time that is spent walking & talking is eliminated and the processes is now streamlined and measurable.

Note:  BPR is an older term that is essentially replaced by BPI and BPM terms and concepts.


Business Process Workflow Execution (BPE)

A BPE is a workflow engine that is able to execute the design and configuration for an organizations business workflow processes – In other words, the Workflow Engine that controls the distribution and flow of work.

The Progression Workflow Engine working in conjunction with DocuPhase drives the automated support for business processes assisting staff in the processing and routing of work for applicable tasks at the appropriate time until each business process-transaction is completed.

The same Business Process graphical representation used to design the system can also be utilized by managers and supervisors, with appropriate permissions, to view workflow progress and status of process-transactions as well as re-allocate resources as needed in real-time.




A Byte is an information storage measurement unit, usually considered to contain eight bits of data plus parity bits.  The abbreviation KB refers to 1024 bytes; MB to 1000 KB; and GB to 1000 MB.




Paper document capture is done by a scanning or fax device that produces images of the document’s pages in digital form (e.g., TIFF or PDF format typically for documents) to be stored in designated Application Cabinets in the DocuPhase Repository

Digital images, documents and files are also captured by importing or copying (e.g., drag-and-drop using ScanDox) them into the DocuPhase Repository as well as mobile capture using the mCapture App on Apple iPad, iPhone or Android.



Is the act of adding a new document revision to the repository.  Performing a check-in will add the changed document to the repository and unlock it so that other users will be able to see the changes and make further changes to the document (i.e.,  Checkout the document).

For example, after a document has been checked out for review and editing, it must be checked in. The documents are numbered according to the revision number. Additionally depending on the account functionality permissions that are granted, the user may have added document management capabilities.

Note: The Revision Control option must be activated and permissions granted in order to use Checkout and Check-In features.



Checking out an item is the act of locking a document in the repository for editing purposes.  Checking a document out  locks it and prevents other users from editing the document at the same time. This prevents the loss of work since one user must wait until a document is available for checkout before they are allowed to edit the document and save their changes.

For example, if there are two members of an Accounting department working on the same invoice, if one of the users has checked out the document to complete some type of work, the other user will be unable to checkout the same document until its lock has been released (e.g., when it is released by check-in or by an administrator).

Note: The Revision Control option must be activated and permissions granted in order to use Checkout and Check-In features.



In the context of this document, when a Client is used, it is a reference to the Client/Server Relationship in which the client is the computer that receives data from a Server that is providing it with the information.

Concurrent Users


Concurrent Users are multiple users working with the same licensed software product at the same time (i.e., in parallel, concurrently). 

A software licensing agreement may stipulate limits or pricing rates based upon the number of concurrent users.

Max Concurrent Users is the operational limit setting for the maximum number of concurrent users under the current license.  This limit can be easily changed by the DocuPhase License Administrator once a new license agreement is reached.


Cross Tabs


Cross Tab or Cross Tabs are synonyms for the term ‘Cross Tabulation’.


Cross Tabulation


A Cross tabulation (also called a Cross Tab) is a non-graphical tabular structure that presents Measure data-element detail and/or summary information organized within Dimension data-elements which can represent a hierarchical arrangement of data.

They are heavily used to present actual data values for BI analysis, business, engineering and scientific research.  Cross Tabs provide an effective way to understand the data as detail and summary information values that lie behind the many different graphical renderings that Analytics can produce from each Cross Tab.



Because of the value provided by the ability to look at a graphic as well as ‘under the hood’ at the underlying data,  Analytics provides a feature that allows a user to dynamically toggle between its graphical rendering and its cross-tab rendering as well as the ability to ‘Drill Down’ through a hierarchy of multiple dimensions displaying the resulting graphical or tabular renderings.


Cross-Query Search


A Cross-Query Search is launched when a DocuPhase user clicks on a displayed value for an index field on its Search Result page.  This value is used to search across multiple DocuPhase Application filing cabinets that contain the same Index Field Name and displays all matching records with this value grouped by their Application Cabinet name.

Cross-Query Search is also known as Dynamic Linking.




A Cube is a multi-dimensional organization of data as Dimensions and Measures in an OLAP database, such as a Data Warehouse, for optimized analytical performance as a Data Source or data feed for Analytics processing.

Note: By suitably interfacing SQL databases to supply data as if they were actual Cubes, the Analytics users can easily work with all Data Source Cubes without concern as to their actual origin details in the same way.



In the context of this document, when the term ‘Customer’ is used, it is a reference to the end-user or company utilizing the DocuPhase Platform.


An Analytics analysis that contains charts, gauges as well as possibly other Analytics Objects that provide their users with a high-level view of the results of business operations to expose issues plus promote timely corrective Executive and Management decision-making and action.


Data Warehouse

A Data Warehouse is defined as a collection of data in support of the management decision making processes. 


A Data Warehouse solution can ensure the availability of consistent and cleansed information that can hold both detailed and aggregated (i.e., summarized) data at designated levels to facilitate analysis, planning and to make everyday decisions for the smooth functioning of an enterprise.




A database is a structured collection of tables of heterogeneous information organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data.

The DocuPhase and customer databases that are used by the DocuPhase Platform support modern SQL and ODBC technologies.

Note: For the purpose of this document, you can think of a database as an electronic filing system for data provided by DocuPhase’s database as well as structured information stored and managed for use by customer and third-party applications.



Deployment is the installation of software products such as the DocuPhase Platform and its optional software components  on your server(s) and/or workstations.


A Dimension is a data element that holds values of a specified data type which are used to group and sort the organizational structure for one or more Measures and their values in an Analytics Object that is part of an Analytics Analysis, Dashboard or Report.


In other words, Dimensions tell something about measures – like who, what, when and where the measures apply.  Often, Dimensions are not quantitative (e.g., numerical) since they may contain the name of a person, company or identifier that may be suitable for grouping, but not computation.  In other cases, Dimensions may be chosen to be both Dimensions as well as Measures.


An Analytics Analysis or Report can present multiple Dimension groupings and multiple Measures as summary or detail values.


A Document captured, stored and protected within DocuPhase can be any electronic file.  In addition to text, Document items often contain graphics, charts and other information elements.

For example, a Document can be a Word document, PDF file, Excel spreadsheet, any audio file or a TIFF image file (e.g., single page or multipage images).

Documents in DocuPhase are manipulated and processed by users of the DocuPhase UI as well as users of Progression-based workflow.

Note:  At times in Progression or iDox, the term ‘Document’ may be used instead of “Document Definition”.  Since Document Definitions contain additional Progression-level properties as well as a link to a related DocuPhase Document.  Operations on a Progression-level Document Definition object are also indirect operations on its corresponding stored DocuPhase Document item.


For example, a stored DocuPhase Document can be an audio file (i.e. a piece of played music, a meeting transcription or any form of recorded sound), a photo or video file (i.e. a piece of artwork that has been scanned or fully created electronically), a visual file (i.e. a pie chart representing the latest sales numbers), a character based document (i.e. a typed letter, invoice, email or web page), a photo, X-Ray, CAD-diagram, a form image or an electronic iForm, etc.

Document Status


DocuPhase provides the ability for the designer to create status codes for documents. These statuses can be used to manage an ad-hoc or automated Progression-designed workflow as well as to control documents specific to the application being created.

For example, the status of a Document reflects its current state of “progress” in a business process and its lifecycle.  Some example values for Document Status may include: “Pending”, “Reviewed”, “Signed”, “Accepted” and” Rejected”.

These Status index values may be selected from a list of choices provided by a UDL associated with the Status index field to update Document Status to indicate where a document currently is in the business process or its lifecycle.


Document Type


Within DocuPhase, a Document Type identifies the type of document contained within an Application.

For example when looking in an Employee folder, what documents types would you expect to see? 

Documents common to all employees’ folders might include:  Employment Application, Job Description, Time Sheet, Contact information, and Reviews.  These commonly encountered types of Documents are examples of Document Types (i.e., Doc Type Index with appropriate code values).

Other examples of Document Types include Purchase Orders and Receipts, found in a separate Application (filing cabinet) called Accounts Receivable.

Note: Different Application cabinets tend to house different groups of document types such as for ‘HR’, ‘Inventory’, ‘Claims’, ‘Patient Med Chart’ just as a paper folder might contain.  Also, any single cabinet may contain many different file types such as .docx, .xlsx, .jpeg, .tif, .pdf, etc. and different document-type classifications that are assigned to an index such as for HR: ‘Application’, ‘Offer Letter’, ‘Termination Notice’, etc.


DocuPhase is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution that can scale from small to large international enterprise needs.   

It is also known as an advanced Electronic Document Management (EDM) or Enterprise Content Management (ECM) solution that provides a Repository for documents and multimedia files to organize what is considered to be unstructured information as opposed to highly-structured and homogeneous information found in a database. 

The browser-based DocuPhase UI is the primary access hub for primary access to the DocuPhase Platform and its Repository.

The DocuPhase UI product is also the means for authorized administrators to configure and maintain centralized security permissions and operational control for the DocuPhase Platform.

DocuPhase Database

This is the DocuPhase SQL database that resides on the DocuPhase Database Server.  The DocuPhase database stores tables of metadata that describe and configure your installed DocuPhase solution and provide links to your images, documents and files stored in the DocuPhase Platform Repository.



Dots per Inch (DPI) is a measure of printing resolution, specifically where the number of individual dots of ink a printer or toner can produce within a linear one-inch (2.54 cm) space.  For DPI resolution with video displays, there is one pixel per dot.


Drill-Down is the process of dynamically applying criteria to hierarchical Analytics Objects in Dashboards, Displays and Report to “drill down” to expose the next level of details that support summary information. 


Since Analytics analysis objects may contain many “connected” graphical and non-graphical objects, typically the application of a criteria to one of the objects in an Analysis causes it to “drill down” as well as making synchronized “drill down” changes to its other “connected” objects. 

Typically, this synchronous behavior is automatic unless no “connection” exists or it is explicitly prevented by design.

Dynamic Linking

After doing a DocuPhase Search, the user is able to dynamically link to all other occurrences of the same index field and value across all DocuPhase Application and Index Fields that the User is permitted to access by simply clicking on a displayed index field value on the Results Page.

Since this search for related records crosses all permitted application having the same index field name – Dynamic Linking is also called Cross-Query Search.

Dynamic Periods

When working with Analyses or Reports it is a common request to be able to display such information as  'Revenue this year to date'.  With Dynamic Periods this is possible.
The only requirement is that the Time dimension(s) in the Database must have been prepared for Dynamic Periods by the system administrator.

To further improve the usability of 'Dynamic Periods', it is possible to set its origin using a pop-up calendar selection tool on the Criteria Bar. The 'Dynamic date origin' section on Smartpad Criteria tab is visible only when dynamic periods are used in global or local criteria or comparisons for the current analysis or report.



Enterprise Content Management (ECM), also known as Electronic Document Management, provides the means for efficient capture, indexing, storage, security/permissions control, organization and shared accessibility of documents and files within an organization along with other features.

ECM solutions such as DocuPhase provide a Repository for documents and multimedia files to organize: what is considered to be unstructured information as opposed to highly structured information such as stored in a database (see Repository). 

Entry Point


In Progression, an Entry Point is a part of a Start Task definition which serves to introduce document and/or binder objects into workflow as a Work Item object based on a specified set of criteria involving documents, index field states and values.

For example, in a Human Resource workflow such as the Vacation Request Process, the entry point for the process receives the Vacation Request form from the employee.

Once the business workflow process is completed, the Work Item has reached a Finish Task, which is its Exit Point, where the Work Item object is removed from workflow and its links to the document and/or binder objects are released;  However, the documents involved remain protected and secure within DocuPhase.

Exit Point

In Progression, an Exit Point is provided by a Finish Task that removes a Work Item object from workflow releasing its links to its documents and binder objects;  However, the documents involved remain protected within DocuPhase.




Forecasting is the process of projecting expected future results based on past and known information.


Graphical Object

A non-tabular Analytics Object such as a Pie Chart, Line Chart, Area Chart, Scatter Chart, Bubble Chart, Radar Chart, etc.


Group 4


Group 4 is a compression method for monochrome bitmaps used by a fax machine. Additionally, it is also available as one of the compression options in the TIFF file format.



A Hierarchy is an organizational ordering of Dimensions making detailed “Drill Down” searches applied to Analytics Objects possible by providing multiple levels of summarization leading to each supporting level of detail.


Note:  Hierarchies are available when the Data Source is supported by data warehouse cubes which are running on Microsoft Analysis Services 2000 or an external Data Warehouse system integrated with an extended DocuPhase Analytics license.


In DocuPhase, an Index is similar to a label found on a traditional paper file folder tab.   Index fields stored on DocuPhase database records are used to describe each document of images or media files that are linked to these records.

Index fields contain values that are used in search criteria to locate documents, describe a documents type and status as well as other information that are used by all components in the DocuPhase Platform.

Index fields in the DocuPhase Platform Repository may be entered (i.e., indexed), viewed and edited by users and automation with the appropriate permissions.

For example, in the Human Resources Application example, Documents are stored and retrieved in folders according to ‘Employee Name’.  ‘Employee Name’ is therefore an example of an Index; Social-Security Number (SSN) is another example of an index. 

Indexes help to identify Documents. The storage and retrieval of Documents within DocuPhase relies on Indexes, much the same way as traditional cabinets and folders rely on proper labels to locate information, but in a much slower and less-flexible way than DocuPhase.


Data entry by manual or automatic database lookup as a means to complete DocuPhase document index fields is an activity called indexing.  After completion of the entry for all required index fields and most or all indexes, a document or file may be submitted for capture to the DocuPhase Platform for storage, management and protection.

Indexing Profiles

Indexing Profiles are specific DocuPhase definitions that are used by the mCapture App to capture and index photos and submit them to the DocuPhase Platform from a mobile device.


The Act of installing the software while setting up the deployment.

For example when the user has loaded the Progression Deployment CD and selects the Progression Server Studio Deployment, the act of selecting the Progression Server Studio begins the software installation process.


The term Instance refers to each occurrence or copy of an object such as a document, work item, database, physical server, or virtual server.



ISIS is a standard software protocol that regulates communication between software applications and imaging devices such as scanners.

The TWAIN and ISIS protocol standards are supported by the  ScanDox product.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)


A key performance indicator is a critical measurement factor for assessing the performance of essential tasks, operations or processes in a company related to a company goal.


Typically, a KPI will unambiguously reveal conditions or performance that is outside the norm and signal a need for managerial intervention.

Line of Business (LOB)

Organizations and businesses are generally referred to as participating in one or more specific Lines of Business (LOB) or industry segments.  LOB is a general way to refer to the specific business goals and processes that may vary widely different organizations.

LOB Data Source Model

Similar to the DocuPhase Data Source Model which is integrated with DocuPhase Analytics as a built-in Data Source, each organization using DocuPhase can purchase LOB Analytics Licensing to allow them to integrate one or more of their own Data Warehouse and SQL Database systems as Analytics Data Sources. 


Each of these external Data Sources is generally referred to as an ‘LOB Data Source Model’ or simply an ‘LOB Data Model’ that is presented as Cubes of Dimensions and Measures.


Lookup Fields


Documents may have many of their index fields filled with values by automatic SQL database lookup operations performed by the DocuPhase: BarCoder, ScanDox and Data Exchange products.

Selected DocuPhase index fields can be configured to perform automatic lookup and fill operations.


In general, Metadata is ‘Data about Data’ or ‘Data that describes Data’.  Whereas, Data is basically data values for metadata such as Index Field values, UDL codes and other configuration parameters.

In DocuPhase, the DocuPhase database and the index fields it contains describe the digital documents and files that are maintained in the DocuPhase Repository.  The index fields for each DocuPhase Application are metadata that describe the documents contained in its virtual filing cabinet.

In Progression, Document Definitions are an example of metadata that describe the workflow properties for the associated DocuPhase Application and its documents.  Through these associated links, Progression inherits DocuPhase metadata.




The Multi Index Insert (Mi2) component provides the ability to create multiple document index records in the DocuPhase Database that all reference the same physical document file. Certain index values on each DocuPhase database record can remain constant while other index values can be different or changed based on a lookup on a foreign ODBC and SQL compliant database.

For example with Mi2, a separate contract record containing its own set of index field values could be created for each hotel in a hotel-chain that all share a common (i.e., the physically same) copy of a contract document image or file.   As such:

§ Annotations placed on image pages of the contract would be seen by all hotels and only one copy of the image-pages/file would be stored

§ Index information related to the same group-hotel contract for each of the hotels in the chain could store independent index values such as Hotel ID, Hotel Name, etc.  (except for index values that need to be identical on each record such as Contract ID, Contract Date, etc.).

As a result, the same Contract images are shared by all hotels in the chain.



In general, a Node is a connecting point in a network where several lines come together or processing activity occurs.

In iDox, a Node is a branched component within the hierarchical Tree View structure that can be expanded or collapsed to reveal or hide its contents when multiple items are present within it.

In Progression, a Node is a Task object in a Progression Workflow Design Diagram which is connected by workflow routing paths.



Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is a software function and technology designed to translate images of handwritten or typed text that have been scanned or imported as images. 

This technology is used within the DocuPhase Platform such as Xtractor, iDox, ScanDox and iLink, which are used to extract text-based information from digital images.


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) standards that support communication with SQL databases over a communications network. 

The goal for the designers of ODBC was to make it independent of programming languages, database systems, and operating systems. Thus, any application can use ODBC to query from and exchange data with a database, regardless of the platform it is on or the database solution it uses.


On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) refers to technology that allows users to think of their business data logically as multidimensional cubes of Dimensions and Measures.

This matches the mental model that business people have of their enterprise such as: Profits by Product, Sales by Region, etc. allowing them to use tools like DocuPhase Analytics to better visualize and understand their business.


DocuPhase Security, Scope and Functional Capabilities are authorized using named binary settings (i.e., R – On, 0 – Off) using centralized Administration features in DocuPhase.

Permission Set

A named grouping of related DocuPhase Security, Scope and Functional Capability settings such as the names: ‘Capture’, ‘Workflow’, ‘Administration’, etc. permission sets for Users and Groups as well as ‘Forms’, ‘Revision Controls’, ‘Index’, etc. permission sets for DocuPhase Applications.


A pixel is a single point in a graphic image or on a video display screen.


A collection of tasks required to fulfill one complete cycle of events within a business process, with a precise result to be achieved.

For example, the process definition for handling a “New Hire” transaction includes all the human-attended and automatic tasks associated with the new hire business processing cycle.

A business process can be a manual process that may or may not use computers; It may also be performed using automated workflow that can be “Ad Hoc Workflow” using DocuPhase routing and queries or fully “Automated Workflow” under a Progression-designed workflow.

Note:  This term can also refer to a Process Object entry in the Progression Studio Dashboard.



In general, a Profile is a group of properties that define or describe the thing being profiled.

In ScanDox, the Profile describes options for the user, the scanner being used and the type of documents being captured.

For example, A Checks profile might be created to configure all the information related to the Checks Application. This profile could also include data exchanges, scanning and other special options.  Selecting a named-profile immediately sets the required configuration details for you.

In iRetention, the profile describes the period of retention and other options related to specific DocuPhase Application filing cabinets and types of documents.

In mCapture, the profile describes the Indexes and options that can be utilized to capture and index different types of photos being captured and indexed on a mobile device.


Progression is the DocuPhase Platform’s Automated Workflow Design Solution in Progression Studio that is used to define and maintain workflow processes. 

Once a Progression automated workflow design is completed, DocuPhase users are able to access and use the workflow design to perform the new business process.

The Progression design solution builds upon the DocuPhase Data Management Core to support the automated workflow of documents and streamlined business processes utilizing the Progression Workflow Engine that works cooperatively with documents securely stored in the DocuPhase Repository.

Progression Lite

Progression Workflow Lite is a subset of the full Progression product’s workflow capabilities that allow DocuPhase users to begin working with the basics of ‘Rules-Based Automated Workflow’ as a powerful alternative or complement to ‘Ad Hoc Workflow’ and manual workflow methods.

Progression Manager


Progression Manager is an operational automated workflow tool in Progression Studio that allows supervisors and managers with the appropriate permissions to view Progression Workflow Diagrams that can also display the real-time status of work completed, pending, resource assignments and performance statistics for any selected nodes on the workflow diagram.

This tool also allows supervisors and managers, with the appropriate permissions, to dynamically re-allocate resources to areas with bottlenecks and as needed from their web-browser on a temporary or permanent assignment basis.

Progression Manager is available under both full Progression and Progression Lite licenses.

Progression Studio Dashboard

The Progression Studio Dashboard is a free-floating and dockable window that displays Process Design Components and Tool Accelerator icons plus Right-Click Rapid Access Menus that make it the central design tool for Progression workflow business processes as well as for Management and Supervisors using the Progression Manager features for near real-time monitoring.

This Studio is a client program that is installed on a workstation.


Real-Time refers to actions being recorded and possibly reported as information at approximately the actual time of occurrence. 


Note: The actual duration and frequency supporting the analysis and reporting in ‘approximate real-time’ is relative to actual timely needs and the demands of the volume of data and processing overhead which can range from an  elapsed time of few seconds to many minutes, hours or, even  several days before reporting updated results on a suitably timely basis.

DocuPhase permits many sampling and refresh rates to be configured to reflect actual needs and performance overhead.


DocuPhase stores and manages its content in an integrated Database that contains metadata that describe the content and a File Repository that holds the image and file content.

In general, the term Repository may refer to the overall DocuPhase content, but it specifically refers to the actual content recorded and stored as digital images and files that are organized by the DocuPhase Database which contains records that describe each document/file that are automatically indexed by a unique document Object-ID key.

DocuPhase can store and manage any Document type for your organization.

Additionally, the DocuPhase Repository is a centralized location in the organization’s network that stores all content within the DocuPhase system.  The DocuPhase Repository and its DocuPhase database allows for the structured storage, access, management, exchange and protection of enterprise information.

DocuPhase is designed to categorize and archive all forms of intellectual property, including multimedia presentations, PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets, marketing literature, word processor Documents, Adobe PDF files and sound files such as in .mp3 and .wav file-formats.  

DocuPhase can store and manage any document file type you can store on your desktop workstation.



A Revision is a representation of a document at a point in time. A document can go through many revisions. DocuPhase can track the revisions of the documents and maintain a history of the document along with: who, what and why the changes were made.

For example, when a document has been checked out and checked back in after changes were applied to the document under Revision Controls, each action will create a unique document revision number.  This number is displayed in both the Search results as well as in the Object Table within the repository.

Note: The Revision Control option must be activated and permissions granted in order to use Check-Out and Check-In features along with revision tracking with DocuPhase.


ScanDox is a DocuPhase component that can accept digital files that are dragged-and-dropped to it or paper document images provided by a scanning device; plus, index the document and file content as well as support automatic-fill of index information by look-ups using external databases before submitting document items to the DocuPhase Platform as protected and searchable documents.

Captured items stored in the DocuPhase Repository can be selected and reworked in ScanDox and returned to DocuPhase.

Both iLink and DocuPhase UI can launch ScanDox as needed plus it can be launched independently for local and remote upload of content to the DocuPhase Platform.


A scanner is a device that optically acquires and analyses images, printed text or handwriting and converts it to a digital image.  In other words, it converts paper images to digital images.


The act of optically analyzing page images and digitally encoding them for storage in the DocuPhase Repository as a document/file.

Documents may be composed of one or more pages that are converted to digital images for capture in the DocuPhase repository.  Typical scanned formats for documents are TIFF and PDF.


In the context of this manual, when a Server is used, it is a reference to a server application and depicts a physical or virtual (VM) server machine.


In the context of this document, the term Service refers to software that runs in the background supporting the operations of the DocuPhase ECM and/or Progression-defined workflow solutions.


Structured Query Language (SQL) is a database computer language designed for accessing and managing data in Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS) with its origins based upon a relational algebra developed by Edgar F. Codd in 1970.

The term is typically pronounced as “S-Q-L”, but is also referred to as “Sequel”.

SQL has evolved along with Open Database Connectivity Standards (ODBC) to be the “interface of choice” for connecting and integrating with SQL-compliant databases across local and wide-area networks.



Secure Sockets Level (SSL) are networking protocol standards that allow high-security authentication for access attempts and the secure encrypted transmission of information content over a network that is available with the DocuPhase Platform.



A state indicator as an index field for an object (e.g., document) that indicates its condition or current progress within a business process at a particular point in time.

For Example, the workflow process status for an invoice at different stages of its processing by Accounts Payable might be:  Pending, In-Process, Posted, Completed, Suspended or Cancelled.


In Progression, one or more Steps can be defined within a Task; multiple Tasks can be defined within each Process.


In the context of the DocuPhase Platform, Submit refers to “Submit to DocuPhase” which is an event where a document or iForm is captured in the DocuPhase Platform Repository.

The submit operation can be directly passed to DocuPhase locally or via a remote upload process provided by the ScanDox and Uploader products.

Microsoft Office Add-Ins for DocuPhase provide the ability to use their ‘Submit to ScanDox’ button to pass an office-document copy to ScanDox for capture processing & indexing before the office-document item is submitted to DocuPhase.



A collection of sub-tasks which are called in its entirety to act as part of a larger parent process (i.e., a process within a Process).

For example, in the Human Resource Application, the new hire cycle might include sub-processes such as reviewing the résumés and scheduling interview times. These sub-processes are supporting pieces to complete the entire new hire cycle.



A person who subscribes to an alert or Progression workflow task as well as a monitor for Wait Tasks.  In other words, a subscriber is a user that is able to receive an alert or workflow work item to process as well as to monitor and optionally override Wait Task Rules.

For example, iAlerts Manager enables the user to choose a Subscriber from DocuPhase Users and Groups and/or members of your MS Outlook contacts list.

Similarly, users of a Progression-designed workflow can be registered as subscribers for specific workflow tasks.  As work items become ready for processing by a task, its subscribing users are able view and/or access the task for processing from their DocuPhase Workflow user interface.

System Status


DocuPhase maintains a status on all documents in the repository. This status tracks whether the document is searchable, deleted or waiting to be indexed or scheduled to run in an external application to perform a task.

For example, the system-status of a document may be in the ‘R’ status, which indicates the document is waiting to be picked up by Data Exchange Services to look up and synchronize data.


Tables are used for displaying data in a simple row format which can be used to display large amounts of data with many different data types.  In Analytics, a Table object is only allowed to have one (1) dimension and one (1) measure.

Note: A Table and Cross Tab object differ in capabilities since the Cross Tab object is able to accommodate multiple dimensions and multiple measures and is the structure that is more commonly used to hold the underlying data for Analytics Analysis, Dashboards and Reports.

Tabular Object

An Analytics non-graphical object which may be either a Table or a Cross Tabulation object.



A Tag is a special index that groups documents within and/or between applications by storing a common keyword in a free-form index field. The ability to add, view, or modify Tags is managed by an application level permission.

For example, a user may want to conduct a meeting regarding a subset of documents that are not linked by common index field. A meeting organizer can Tag each document with a common keyword and notify other members in a meeting to perform a Tag search with this keyword.

Users can now view all of the documents pertaining to the meeting with one quick search versus performing multiple searches across all applications to identify the documents pertinent to the meeting.


A single step or collection of steps within a workflow process required to advance the process and route a work item to the next task based on the result-of-performing the current task – These Tasks may be fully-automated or operator-attended depending on their Task Type.

For example, in the Human Resource Application, a new hire Process might include Tasks and Steps for: creating a job posting, advertising the position, receiving potential employee resumes, reviewing the resume, calling the potential employees, setting up interview times, physically interviewing the candidates, discussing the candidate qualifications with other employees, creating an offer letter, receiving the executed offer letter and finally physically creating office space for the candidate.

– The result of each Task determines the output path taken for the current work-item to its logical and appropriate Task in the business process.



The number of DocuPhase document changes, Progression process instances or work items that can be processed by the Progression Engine or Progression Web Services in a given time period.

In other words, it is the quantity or rate of work that can be accomplished in a specific time interval (e.g., work-items/hr).


TWAIN is a standard software protocol that regulates communication between software applications and imaging devices such as scanners.

Both the TWAIN and ISIS protocol standards are supported by the ScanDox product. 


A User-Defined List (UDL) of values is a DocuPhase definition that can be shared by one or more index fields to make data entry more convenient by making a selection instead of typing as well as ensuring that only consistent index values are entered.

A User Defined List (UDL) provides a list of unique choices of data values that may be selected by a user to fill an associated index field.   More than one index field may be associated with the same UDL object in the same Application cabinet or different cabinets so that the same list of values will drop-down for selection for the associated index field.  Using common UDL-values, is a powerful way to improve the ability to compare and search for index-field values.

In Progression automated workflow and DocuPhase Ad Hoc workflow, Status codes which indicate the progress state for an object in workflow are defined as UDL sets of values.



The Microsoft Windows Universal naming Convention (UNC) specifies a common way to describe the location of a network resource such as a: shared file, directory, printer or DocuPhase repository document file.   A UNC is often referred to as a Web Address or Uniform Resource Locator (URL) as well as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI).

A general UNC example is:  ‘\\ComputerName\SharedFolder\NetworkResourceId’.



A pane or window where document pages (i.e., images of pages) are viewed as well as multi-media files can be played, seen or heard by an end-user.

The viewer is variously referred to in different contexts as: Document Viewer, Page Viewer, Image Viewer, Results Viewer, Thumbnail Viewer. 

Page viewer capabilities exist in DocuPhase, ScanDox and CDViewer plus the images of work-item documents (in binders) can also be viewed.

Currently there are two (2) document-page viewer options available for use with the DocuPhase Document Management and Workflow Business Process automation:

      The Lightweight HTML5 browser-based viewer that does not have to be installed on any of the many workstation, laptop or mobile devices using a web-browser.

      The Heavyweight client viewer that must be downloaded and installed on the workstation or laptop – It is not available or appropriate for use on mobile devices.

ScanDox utilizes its integrated Heavyweight viewer only.

Work Item

In Progression, an instance of work within a process is called a Work Item.  The Work Item is a Binder object that contains one or more documents that are needed to complete the work cycle for a Process.

For example in the Human Resources Application New Hire Process, the work item is the collection of items such as an ‘Employment Application’, ‘Interview Notes’, ‘transcripts’ and other documents needed (in a work-item Binder) to complete the New Hire Process decision to interview & possibly hire or reject the application for employment.

Work Item List Permission

A Progression permission option that presents the Work Item Viewer as a list of available work from which a workflow-user may make a selection when the option is set to On. 

With the option Off, the workflow-user is presented with a Go to Work button that is used to retrieve the next work item to which they subscribe in priority order to be processed.

Work Item Viewer

With appropriate permission, workflow-users may view and select the available work items they would like to process next in workflow.

Note: Without this permission, workflow-users are provided with a “Go To Work” button that will supply them with the Next appropriate work item to process in workflow.


Work Pool:

A Work Pool is a group or collection of process work items waiting to be worked on at a defined process task.

For example, Progression Resources subscribe to a work pool to receive work. Multiple Resources can subscribe to the task and each individual’s work can be prioritized, allowing for an efficient and automated load balancing without manual interaction or queue management.



From a design perspective, A workflow is the process description of how tasks are performed, by whom (its subscribers), in what order and how completed.

For example, in the Human Resources Application New Hire Process, the Workflow is defined by the Tasks of the new hire cycle. The series of tasks necessary to complete the new hire cycle denote the Workflow.

From an operational perspective, a workflow is comprised of how tasks are structured, which resources are required to perform them, their order, how they are synchronized, how information flows to support the processes and tasks within, how tasks are being tracked and how long it takes to complete those processes and tasks.

DocuPhase is able to support “Ad Hoc Workflow” based on its queries for pending work and routing capabilities where operator decisions determine the flow of work.

The Progression product allows a fully automated workflow controlled and enforced by embedded business rules to be designed to determine the flow of work – Thus, extending the DocuPhase capabilities by using automated workflow to streamline, improved and achieve much more consistent business process performance.

Work-Item Task

A work-item task is an instance of a defined Progression Process Task that is represented at run-time by a work item (i.e., a Binder of one or more documents) that is flowing through each of the appropriate Tasks for its workflow business Process.