
Multi Index Insert (Mi2) provides the ability to create multiple document index records in the DocuPhase Database that all reference the same physical document file. Certain index values on each DocuPhase database record can remain constant while other index values can be different or changed based on a lookup on a foreign ODBC and SQL compliant database.

For example with Mi2, a separate contract record containing its own set of index field values could be created for each hotel in a hotel-chain that all share a common (i.e., the physically same) copy of a contract document image or file.   As such:

§ Annotations placed on image pages of the contract would be seen by all hotels and only one copy of the image-pages/file would be stored

§ Index information related to the same group-hotel contract for each of the hotels in the chain could store independent index values such as Hotel ID, Hotel Name, etc.  (except for index values that need to be identical on each record such as Contract ID, Contract Date, etc.).