Binder Definition

Binder Definitions allow multiple documents to be handled within a single work item moving through workflow to accomplish a business process.

Binder Definitions are created by selecting its member documents from previously defined named Document Definition objects and in some cases other previously defined Binder Definitions (i.e., Sub-Binders).  Documents Definitions that do not have the same key fields can also be mapped to associate them as members of the same Binder definition provided they have an index field in common.

Creating a new Binder Definition within Progression requires that it be configured and associated with the Documents that it will contain initially as well as eventually.

You can create a new Binder with the default name “New Binder” in the Documents & Binders Pane to contain a group of Documents and/or nested Binders, as needed.  Use the Progression Studio Dashboard in either of two ways.

One way is by clicking the Create a New Binder icon, as shown below.

The Right-Click Menu for ‘Binders’ displays New>Binder which provides another way to create a Binder definition, as shown below.