Binder Definition> Related Documents

The Binder Definition>Related Documents provides you with the ability to add related documents from an Application and map the document to the Binder using a key field.

 For example, a related document might be a packing slip referring to an invoice you want to include in the binder. The packing slip is a reference document, but it’s not part of the process.

The Related documents feature facilitates the organization of non-critical documents and keeps them readily available for user reference during a process. Thus, this feature helps organize a business’s paper trails, reduce inefficiency and ultimately simplifies the workplace.

Binder Definition_Related Documents


The following table describes the elements of the Binder Definition>Related Documents tab.



Binder Definition>Related Documents Tab Description


Selects the Application to which this Binder is related using a drop-down list, as shown below.

Key Mapping

Selects the defined Key Field to which this Binder is related.

Key Mapping Ellipsis


Displays the Expression builder tool to define the Key Mapping Field.

Add button

Adds the selected items as a Related Document to this Binder.

Remove button

Removes the item selected in the listing pane from this Binder.

Arrow UP button

Moves the selected item in the listing pane UP within the listing.

Arrow DOWN button

Moves the selected item in the listing pane DOWN within the listing.

OK button

Ends the configuration, applies all changes and returns to previous screen.

Cancel button

Cancels the configuration, discards any unsaved changes and returns to previous screen.

Apply button

Applies unsaved changes, remains at this screen to continue configuration.