Accessing DocuPhaseTechnical and TPOC-Specific Documentation

DocuPhase provides a collection of Technical documentation for TPOCs and other Technical Staff for the Installation and Maintenance of various aspects of the DocuPhase Platform. The following is a list of links you can use to view, print, and/or download PDF documents.


Administrator, Configuration, Installation Guides


This document provides the information needed to configure and implement both of the ADIS components (i.e., ADIS Manager and ADIS Service) needed for ADIS functionality with the DocuPhase Platform.


Use this guide to deploy and use DocuPhase Application Merge Utility that allows users to combine existing source applications into a single target application to provide a single data source.


Learn about the structure of the GDIS integration with the DocuPhase Platform, users and groups are synchronization, as well as enabling the API and IIS relay for Google email (gmail).


Use this document to configure the DocuPhase HTML5 Viewer, including email and cache settings.



Find procedural and conceptual information for installing and upgrading the DocuPhase Platform.



This is a very basic guide for Admins and TPOCs wanting to perform a quick download and installation of ScanDox on a user's device.


Developers can use this understand the implementation of customized, integrated solutions; and how they interact with DocuPhase.


Review a variety of ways the system can be set up for moving documents from the DocuPhase Viewer to ScanDox.


Use this document to configure SMTP/Server Side Emailing for both on-premise and hosted (O365) exchanges, as well as Google.



Learn how to perform configuration for Single Sign-On capability.


Requirement Specifications



Review a list of file formats supported by the DocuPhase Platform.

Find out about the overall system pre-requisites and requirements for installation, implementation, and maintenance of the DocuPhase platform.


Troubleshooting Guides


Learn basic troubleshooting procedures for ScanDox


User Reference Guides


See a list of all available standard reports for DocuPhaseAnalytics.


Find out about the most commonly used areas and elements within DocuPhase: where they are and how to use them.


This guide offers some of the tips, tricks, and reminders that will help make your work even faster and easier.


Learn the basics for managing Users and Groups, as well as setting permissions for each.


Procedures and policies


Review the details about DocuPhase Subscription Maintenance and Support: including key contacts, benefits of maintenance, support and escalation policies, and support severity level evaluation.