Document Definitions Window

Creating a new Document Definition within Progression requires that it be configured for use in a task, process, or workflow and linked to its corresponding DocuPhase-level Application that contains documents. The Document Definition Menu provides access to DocuPhase’s User Defined Lists (UDLs), Indexes, Applications and the Expression Builder from which its conditions and criteria are set.




Document Definition Description


The unique Name of the document definition being created or selected from a drop-down list of previously defined named Document Definitions.


The Application that the document definition is related to as defined in DocuPhase.

Doc Identifiers

Displays a condition that determines which documents in the associated DocuPhase Application are associated with this Progression Document Definition when more than one type of document exists in the Application.
(e.g., Time Sheet[Doc Type] = Time Sheet)

Specify this only when it is necessary to discriminate among different documents in the associated DocuPhase Application.

Doc Identifier Ellipsis


This button is used to launch the Expression Builder tool to select index fields and set conditions that will be used to identify documents in the specified application belonging to this Document Definition.  The results of this tool are stored in the Doc Identifiers field.

Key Field

Displays the Key Fields and values that have been selected to identify this Document (e.g., the SSN index field for the Time Sheet documents).

Key Field Ellipsis


Uses the Expression Builder to select key fields or values of key fields that, upon validation, will be used to identify a Work Item for this Document.  

Status Fields

The Status or Statuses defined within DocuPhase in relation to this document are listed here.

This list area is populated by DocuPhase into Progression once the DocuPhase Application associated with this Document Definition has been selected.

Note: Three (3) Status Fields are selected in the example above:  Location, Pay Status, Status from  the five (5) status index fields listed.

OK button

Ends editing of this configuration, applies all changes, and returns to previous screen.

Cancel button

Cancels editing of this configuration, discards any unsaved changes, and returns to previous screen.

Apply button

Apply unsaved changes, remain at this menu to continue configuration.