Data Sync Task

The Data Sync Task allows Progression to Read data from or Write data to External Data Sources such as SQL-compatible databases.


Note:  The Data Sync Task type is not in the available subset of allowed tasks under a Progression Lite license.

The Data Sync Task provides an information look-up and reconciliation capability for the automated workflow by automatically retrieving current data values from available sources and updating the DocuPhase index field values in the current work item with that data.

Note:  This ability to look up information values in the same operational business databases used by the enterprise is an invaluable way to keep the DocuPhase and Progression data synchronized and consistent with the business databases.  

Similarly the information available to a Data Sync task can also be used to update defined attribute fields in External Data Sources such as SQL-database tables.

For example, perhaps you want to automate updating your Human Resource Software.  Utilizing the Data Sync Task, Progression provides the ability to capture the index field values from a DocuPhase document, such as employee name, social security number and hire date and push the data to the Human Resource software and databases.

Note: With proprietary software, it is often not practical or permitted to directly update their database tables directly.  However, OBDC updates to feeder-tables or supplied proprietary web services may be viable alternatives.

The Data Sync Task can exchange multiple fields of data in a single request with external databases in two ways by using an:

§ ODBC Data Fields Request – A Progression-generated SQL Query expression that will be used by the Data Sync Task to accomplish the exchange of one or many data fields of information with an external database table.

§ Web Services Data Fields Request – A SOAP web services request that functions as a URL-command which is defined within Progression using its Data Exchange tab so that it may be easily selected for use within a Data Sync task as it is created.



Progression Task

Data Sync Task Description

The Data Synchronization (Data Sync) Task defines a task to access and/or update data in one or more external data sources (e.g., databases) within DocuPhase or external to DocuPhase.

For example, a Data Sync Task can be used synchronize the current work item’s Invoice document indexes stored in DocuPhase with information in the client’s Accounting Database. 

A typical example is where a work item’s Account ID index field contains a valid ID number which the Data Sync Task uses to lookup this ID’s account information and automatically update the associated information in other index fields for the work item.  

Similarly, it is possible for information in a client’s external database(s) to also be updated by a Data Sync Task with the appropriate external access permissions.

 Note: There is no human interaction with this fully automated task making it efficient and avoiding human transcription errors.  Because the information is accurately retrieved from the actual business databases, the work item and indexes in DocuPhase and Progression are in-sync with the same data the business uses.


The tabs for multiple types of tasks that the Data Sync Task has in common with other tasks are listed with x-marks in the grid (above) and they are explained in detail in a previous section (Task Definition – Common Tabs).


The Data Sync Tabs are shown below as a brief overview:

§ General – Configures the Name and Description for the Data Sync Task.

§ Sync Steps – Used to define the data synchronization steps for this task.

§ Data Fields – Allows you to specify the ODBC connection to each database table to be used and configure the data fields from its collection of data attributes to be used in the Progression-generated SQL query request.  These data fields definitions can be used to both retrieve and/or update data across a network.

§ Remote Data – This tab can be used as an alternative approach to using the Progression Data Exchange Tab on its main menu.  It allows you to select from web service SOAP definitions at an IP-address the Data Fields methods available to both retrieve and/or update data across a network.

§ Notifications – Permits you to define email notification messages to be dispatched upon the occurrence of selected types of Data Sync Task events.

§ Status – Used to configure workflow status values for the Data Sync Task.

§ Comments – Permits you to enter comments related to this Data Sync Task definition.