Understanding DocuPhase

DocuPhase provides a completely automated “paperless” business solution for any business, department or enterprise.   

Of course there are still many valid uses for paper, but the objective is to allow paper to be conveniently used and produced when and where it is actually needed.  

By “paperless” we mean that storing, retrieving and processing of electronic digital documents interactively and securely from “virtually anywhere” using electronic documents is a superior alternative to processing, storing, retrieving and re-filing “paper” due to the inherent security, reliability and speed of DocuPhase allowing you to produce “paper” only when and where it is needed. 

DocuPhase is capable of starting at a departmental level and evolving to meet the needs of a global enterprise.  DocuPhase creates substantial savings by making a dramatic impact on all business processes that improves productivity, quality, compliance and security while reducing the costs of filing, storage, distribution, shipping and other labor associated with document processes.