DocuPhase to Existing Application Window Integration

      DocuPhase to Existing Application Window Integration

§ iLink:  DocuPhase to Web-based Application Pages

§ iLink:  DocuPhase to Client Windows Content

iLink is a convenient integration tool.  It allows the end-user to put functional document imaging buttons for document retrieval, scanning and barcode cover sheet production on third-party windows-based programs without programming or access to the program source code.  Button are “Attached” via a DocuPhase iLink to programs and can use the data displayed by the third-party program to perform document management functions.  This eliminates redundant or duplicate keying and maximizes the productivity of users of the third-party product.

In other words, data in one or more of your organizations windows programs can selectively supply data displayed in its window to fields in DocuPhase such as in its indexing form or search form allowing your existing application programs to work cooperatively with DocuPhase.  Similarly, DocuPhase data can be configured to automatically fill input fields currently displayed in your existing application.

In as little, as a few minutes with no IT staff involvement, sophisticated interfaces can be created that would have traditionally required months of project management, programming, testing and money. 

With iLink, integration can be ‘Drag and Drop’ simple.

iLink also allow the definition of “Hot Key” functions.  Hot Keys can be used with any application that supports Highlight and Copy.  A Hot Key interface allows the end-user to simply highlight an item of interest such as an invoice, account or client number in any program and hit a hot key to use the highlighted data from the window to retrieve and display the related documents.