Application Programming Interfaces (API)

      Application Programming Interfaces (API)

§ *DocuPhase Command Line Interfaces

§ *SOA/SOAP Web-services URL Commands

§ *RESTful Web-services URL Commands

Note *:  Asterisk (*) items are special integration capabilities that must be licensed for development and their technical documentation is restricted to licensed users.

The DocuPhase API is for users that have programming-level control over the programs that they want integrated.  This includes software programs from cooperative program vendors or in-house developers. 

Using the DocuPhase API Toolkit, document retrieval, scanning, barcode coversheet production and document insertion into DocuPhase can be easily controlled via externally developed programs or scripts.  The API includes many methods to accomplish a given task depending on the level of integration desired and the final functionality required.

DocuPhase’s basic API starts with a set of URL or command-line driven interfaces used by DocuPhase and its components. 

DocuPhase together with Data Exchange Services that are provided as part of a standard DocuPhase implementation, are a combination that provides advanced integration capabilities with little or no programming effort. 

These command-line interfaces also allow integration using simple macro or scripting capabilities found in many products.  The URL and Command Line Interfaces include the following topics describing these integration methods and capabilities.