iLink Expression Filter Elements

The following elements can be used in the iLink Smart Fields properties editor to filter text being extracted for use in DocuPhase. Tell me more...

Element Definition
^ Start of a string (e.g., "Sample").


$ End of a string.
. Any character (except \n newline)
{…} Explicit quantifier notation.
[…] Explicit set of characters to match.
(…) Logical Grouping of part of an expression.
* 0 or more of previous expression.
+ 1 or more of previous expression.
? 0 or 1 of previous expression; also forces minimal matching when an expression might match several strings within a search string.
\ When used with one of the elements listed above, it makes it a literal character rather than a special character; while used with the elements listed below, it makes it a special rather than a literal character.
\w Matches any word character, equivalent to [a-zA-Z0-9]
\W Matches any non-word character, equivalent to [^a-zA-Z0-9]
\s Matches any white space character, equivalent to [\f\n\r\v]
\S Matches any non-white space characters, equivalent to [^\f\n\r\v]
\d Matches any decimal digits, equivalent to [0-9]
\D Matches any non-digit characters, equivalent to [^0-9]
\a Matches a bell (alarm) \u0007
\b Matches a backspace \u0008 if in a [] character class; otherwise, see the note following this table.
\t Matches a tab \u0009
\r Matches a carriage return \u000D
\v Matches a vertical tab \u000B
\f Matches a form feed \u000C
\n Matches a new line \u000A
\e Matches an escape \u001B