Pre-Integrated Capabilities

      Microsoft Add-Ins for Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint

      ScanDox provides scanned documents and digital file indexing and capture for direct or upload integration across a network with DocuPhase capture.

      Active Directory Integration of existing Users and Groups with DocuPhase Users and Groups via the DocuPhase ADIS product

      DocuPhase Analytics provides BI technology integrated into DocuPhase to analyze and report on DocuPhase and Progression operations as well as the facilities to integrate your organization’s external business databases and data-warehouses.

      DocuPhase iForms provides electronic forms technology integrated into DocuPhase so that electronic forms may be designed and used from within DocuPhase as well as input into its Global iForm by anyone on the network you provide a link.

      mCapture of Photos from mobile devices such as an iPad, iPhone or Android can be captured, indexed and submitted, immediately or when an online connection is available, to DocuPhase.

Likewise, Microsoft Office Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint have DocuPhase Add-Ins available that smoothly integrate these office products with DocuPhase and ScanDox.
No matter whether you have just Authored an Office document, loaded it or checked it out of DocuPhase to edit it, these Add-Ins make it easy to work with both Microsoft Office and DocuPhase and to place the new or edited document into DocuPhase under revision controls when configured.

Existing users in your business infrastructure are typically already defined under Microsoft Active Directory with established user-codes and passwords.  These users can continue with work with the existing systems and be easily integrated as users of DocuPhase and Progression-based workflow with the DocuPhase ADIS (Active Directory Integrated Services) module.

The existing users may keep their same user identities, but not have extended capabilities and permissions to access DocuPhase ECM and Progression-based workflow, unless such permissions to DocuPhase products are granted.

SSL (Secure Sockets Level) authentication and encryption provides controls during the installation of DocuPhase solutions as well as for DocuPhase data and images traveling between the server and supported browsers on workstations, laptops and even mobile devices (i.e., Microsoft IE, Google’s Chrome, Apple’s Safari and Mozilla’s Firefox).

Since the DocuPhase Product Line design provides a common umbrella of security and functional permissions that is tightly integrated into all of its modules, including its integration tools, strong and consistent control over security and permissions is extended to these many and custom-defined integration points.