Operational Workflow – What Happens at Start Task>Entry Points

After the Progression workflow designer creates a workflow Process Definition and directs Progression to Implement it for operational use, Documents appear in DocuPhase and have the specified Start-Criteria to enter workflow – The Progression Engine, using your Entry Point specifications automatically recognize any matching start-criteria. 

The Progression Engine allocates a new Work Item linked to the appropriate Binder Definitions, Document Definitions and associated Documents in DocuPhase plus it starts a new Instance of the Process for the matched Entry Point start-criteria.

The following are a few points concerning the operation of your Process.

      When multiple documents are required:  to start an Instance of your Process and if one of the documents never arrives in DocuPhase, then the Start Task for your process times out triggering the appropriate exception processing at runtime.

§ Think about the Max Wait Time and Ignore Wait Time property settings you will need when designing a process. 

Remember: Weeks are a full seven 24-hour days irrespective of business workday and work week schedules (i.e., “Wall Clock” time).

§ Consider the implications of receiving less than all of the Required documents needed to start your process and what must be done to handle a Timeout condition.

      Your Process will be operating Concurrently: since each instance of your process operates on a different work item with its multiple documents which reside in DocuPhase, each work-item instance may enter workflow and be actively processed over a period of time operating in parallel (i.e., within the same time intervals).

§ Your Process definition is basically a template that defines how each process instance will flow its work item once the required documents and start-criteria are satisfied.

§ Your Process definition effort is simplified since you only need to concentrate on specifying the workflow tasks and paths that might be needed by any instance irrespective of its concurrent use.

      All Workflow Paths must lead to a Finish Task and its Exit Point.

§ At the Finish Task Exit Point, the work item is released so it is no longer linked to the binder definition and document definitions as well as the previously associated Documents in DocuPhase.

§ The now processed Documents in DocuPhase, remain stored, protected and available for authorized uses in DocuPhase with updated status field indexes reflecting their completed processing.