Multiple Indexing of Shared Documents

An additional advanced feature of Data Exchange Services is the Multi-Index Insert (MI2) tool which inserts multiple records for a single image based on a multi-row result from a specified Key value in an external database reference.  

MI2 can be a powerful integration method for creating a design where a single document/image can be shared by many different owners with their own copy of its metadata indexes that are linked to the same image (i.e., annotations placed on behalf of any owner will be seen by all owners from their own index-record copy). 

For example, MI2 could be applied where multiple hotels at different locations and brands were owners of a common contract or charter document – With MI2 each hotel would not need their own copy of the same contract document, they would each appear to have their own indexes for the contract in the DocuPhase database that points to the corresponding single and shared contract document/image.