Image Viewer Top Toolbar

The Image Viewer Top Toolbar provides the same functionality as the DocuPhase Document Viewer Toolbar.


Rounded Rectangle: •	Note:  Some buttons on the upper toolbar are permission specific. 
If you do not have all the toolbars displayed, right-click in an empty area of the toolbar and choose the toolbars you want to view.
 Additionally to change the permissions for the user profile, Navigate to Tools>ScanDox Profiles>Options tab. Locate the Main Buttons dialog pane and choose the appropriate Tool Accelerators.




The ScanDox Image Viewer Top Toolbar tool icons are described in the following table.


Image Viewer>Top Toolbar Function Description

Save A Copy


Launches the ScanDox Save Options Dialog window and provides the ability to save a copy of the document with user defined options.



Note: The changes are saved in your choice of directories.




Launches the Print Dialog window, where the user may select the printer, printer properties, printer range and number of copies.




Launches the ScanDox Email Dialog window, where the user may determine a specific page rage, image options and page formats.

Note: By default, the All Page Range has been selected. Only Redactions are included in the email and the page format is TIFF.

Note: Selecting OK launches your default email program and allows you send specified document to specific recipients.




Opens a Scan dialog box to initiate the scanning process.

Note: This is a user configuration option within DocuPhase and may not be available on the menu bar.



Launches the ScanDox Settings Dialog Window where the users may set General, Printing and Email preferences.


Zoom In

plus_image viewer

Provides the user the ability to enlarge the viewing size of the currently selected document within the Image Viewer Workspace.

Zoom Out


Provides the user the ability to reduce the viewing size of the currently document within the Image Viewer Workspace.

Best Fit


Provides the user with the best scaled view Scales the image to display in its entirety within the Image Viewer Workspace.

Fit to Width

fit to width_image viewer

Allows the user to scale the image to fit to the horizontal edges of the Image Viewer Workspace.

Rotate Left

rotate left_image viewer

Allows the user to rotate the selected document counterclockwise in 90-degree increments.

Note: Multiple document thumbnail images may be selected and then rotated left with one click of this icon.  Hold the following mode keys down while selecting multiple document thumbnails:

§ Hold the Ctrl-key and left-mouse click each thumbnail to include it in the selection

§ Hold the Shift-key and left-mouse click each thumbnail to include it in the selection

Rotate Right

rotate right_image viewer

Allows the user to rotate the selected document clockwise in 90-degree increments.

Note: Multiple document thumbnail images may be selected and then rotated right with one click of this icon.  Hold the following mode keys down while selecting multiple document thumbnails:

§ Hold the Ctrl-key and left-mouse click each thumbnail to include it in the selection

§ Hold the Shift-key and left-mouse click each thumbnail to include it in the selection



Hide Annotations

hide_annotations_image viewer

Provides the ability to conceal annotations on the image from view on the selected document.



Provides the ability to navigate across the surface of document.

Note: This is a helpful feature, if you have zoomed in or out on the image.

Select Annotation


Enables the user to select annotations or redactions on the selected document.

Note: If there are not any annotations on the image, this option will not result in a selection.

Note Annotation

note annotation_image viewer

Provides the ability to create a new note annotation on the selected document.

Note: The mouse will change into a drawing object and you will be able to customize the shape and size of the annotation note.

Insert Redaction

redaction_image viewer

Provides the ability to conceal sensitive information on the selected document.

Note: Redactions can be done with any color; however, the color is the default.

Insert Highlight


Enables the user to highlight information on the selected document.

Insert Rubber Stamp

Places a Rubber Stamp on the image.

Note: Default options are Denied, Received and Approved. Additionally, the Date that displays is the current date and cannot be changed.  Administrators may also add other Rubber Stamp options that you can select to insert.


Insert Line

insert line_image viewer

Enables the user to draw a straight line on the currently displayed image.


arorw_image viewer

Enables the user to draw a line with an arrow end point on the currently displayed image.


freehand_image viewer

Enables the user to draw freehand on the currently displayed image.


rectangle_image viewer

Enables the user to draw a rectangle on the currently displayed image.


ellipse_image viewer

Enables the user to draw an ellipse on the currently displayed image.


text_image viewer

Inserts a text box on the currently displayed image.

Foreground Color

foreground_color_image viewer_1

Provides a drop-down list of color options to be used for user-created lines, shapes and freehand illustrations.

foreground_color_image viewer

Line Thickness

line thickness_image viewer_1

Provides a drop-down list of line weights to specify the thickness of user-drawn lines, shapes and freehand illustrations.

line thickness_image viewer

Request Target

Allows another application, like QuickBooks, to provide Index field data directly to ScanDox by clicking the Request Target “Bullseye” and a previously configured (iLink) “Send Data” button placed in the other application (e.g., QuickBooks).

This is a quick and accurate way to integrate other application programs with ScanDox without technical skills such as programming or scripting.

Note: As a user is Indexing documents in the ScanDox Indexing Control, information present on screens in another program’s window can be automatically transferred to one or more Index fields in the Indexing Control (as previously configured for the indexing application using the DocuPhase iLink product).

The Request Target “Bullseye” icon on the Top Toolbar is used to identify the current document in the ScanDox Index Control as the “Target” -- Then a previously configured button placed in a separate  program’s window (like the QuickBooks application) can be clicked to transfer a copy of data on its screen into the ScanDox Indexing Control fields.