Document Definition Properties Form

The Document Definition Properties Form contains the following fields:

Document Name (required)
The user-defined name that will uniquely identify the document definition. All document definition names must be unique.

Rounded Rectangle:    Note:  You can also change an existing document definition name by selecting the document definition node and single-clicking the node. The node will then go into edit mode, allowing you to type in a new unique document definition name.


Document Layout:

§ Structured – refers to a document type in which document identifiers and index values are located in the same area (zone) on every page (e.g., accounting reports with the report name in the top left corner and the report date in the top right corner on every page).

§ Unstructured – refers to a document type in which document identifiers and document index values are within the same zone on the first page, but not likely on subsequent pages (e.g., mortgage documents).


Sample PDF File (required)
This field is used to select a sample PDF file that will be used to define document identifiers and indexes.

The user can manually enter a valid sample file location or press the Set button, which will open a dialogue from which the sample file can be selected. Once the Document Definition Properties Form is closed, the first page of the selected Sample PDF File is  displayed in the Image Viewer within the Designer Interface.


Rounded Rectangle:    Note:  If, when adding a document definition, you started by selecting a sample PDF file File Name field will be populated with the sample PDF file name that was previously selected (see Adding a Document Definition).



§ Application – contains a list of available applications within DocuPhase to which the document definition can be associated. There is also a selection that specifies No Application. You can choose this value if documents exist within a PDF file that are not to be updated in DocuPhase, but instead discarded (e.g., check line-up pages).

§ Status on Submit (required if a DocuPhase application is selected) – this field specifies the submit status that is passed to DocuPhase when a document is added to a DocuPhase Application. You can select a value from a pre-defined drop-down list or enter a user-defined, single-character submit status. 

Enforce Required Index Values
If an index is configured in DocuPhase as “Required,” selecting this option applies the same rules in iDox. This DocuPhase configuration prevents documents from being submitted if the index values are not populated. When this option is disabled, the DocuPhase configuration is bypassed and documents can be submitted into the DocuPhase system without the required index values.

Discard Blank Pages
Selecting this option prompts iDox to remove blank pages from a logical document before inserting the document into a DocuPhase application.


Rounded Rectangle:    Note:  Blank pages that are in the beginning of a PDF file to be processed are discarded by default.
Any blank pages found are assumed to belong to the current logical document being processed and will be discarded based on the option selected above.


Rounded Rectangle:    Comment:  For new document definitions being added, the initial property values for Document Layout, Discard Blank Pages, Status On Submit and Enforce Required Index Values are automatically populated using the workspace defaults.
(See Set Workspace Defaults – Document Definitions Tab and 
       Set Workspace Defaults – DocuPhase Tab)