Document Identifiers

Document Identifiers are one of two components that make up a document definition.

Document Identifiers are one or more values present on the first page of a logical document that starts the beginning of a document type (e.g., invoice, check, report). 

A document definition must have at least one document identifier and must contain unique identifier values and zones specific to the document definition to which it is associated.

For example, a document definition for a delinquency letter may have a document identifier value of “Dear Sir” within a zone drawn in the top left hand corner of a page. Another document definition for a solicitation letter also has a document identifier value of “Dear Sir” within the same zone as the delinquency letter.

§ This will make the two document definitions which are not unique and will not allow iDox to be able to distinguish between the two letters.

§ If however, the two letters had “Dear Sir” in two separate zones, that would be acceptable because each instance would be unique

A solution to the above scenario would be to use “Dear Sir” and an additional identifier value for the delinquency letters such as “your account is past due”.

This would allow the two letters to have “Dear Sir” in the same zone, however, the delinquency letter would have an additional identifier value that would make it unique from the solicitation letter.