Appendix D – DocuPhase Service

DocuPhase Service is a Windows service installed on the DocuPhase web server that is responsible for:

§ Monitoring the incoming folders for all DocuPhase applications.  When the folders are dropped in, DocuPhase Service enters a record in the appropriate database for the files.

§ Moving each file to the proper repository and renaming the file with the correct file name.

§ Monitoring printing activity in the DocuPhase system and writing a record to the event log each time a TIFF image is printed from the system.

§ Assisting the export function to write image files and data for the selected export.

§ Supporting the import function by reading the import files, and inserting the records into the database as well as the images into the repository.

§ Maintaining the directory structure in the repository with regard to the application subfolders.