Understanding Basic Workflow Elements

The basic elements of the Workflow are known as "bots." The bots here represent the Tasks and various actions that have occurred (or will occur) during the "life" of a Work Item; bots are the building blocks of a Workflow.

Bot Function

Defines the resources (i.e., Users and/or Groups) assigned to User Tasks and determines who has access to a Work Item.

Automatically executes an external Application, and may include one or more actions.

Defines a task to access and/or update data in one or more external data sources (e.g., databases) within or external to DocuPhase: requiring no human intervention.

Used to determine which of two possible Workflow paths a process follows.

Indicates a the final point of an Assignment Task.

Included in every process, the Exception Task defines (via one or more steps) the resolution to a problem that may occur somewhere within a specific process. It allows the issue to be resolved, then returns the item to the normal Workflow.

Different from an End Assignment bot, this indicates the end of an entire process, rather than an individual Task.

Defines two or more Tasks that can be performed concurrently without relying on each other, but using the same Binder or Documents: creating parallel processing Workflow paths.

Defines a point for parallel paths (created by an AND Split Task) to converge back into one unified path.

Defines a Task that is divided into two or more possible paths. The division (split) of the Task is based on a set of conditions. How the conditions are met determines which path the Task follows: using the same Binder and Documents for each.

If the amount of an P.O. is... The resulting path is to send it for approval as follows...
< $1000.00 Department Manager
$1000.01 to $10,000 Director
$10,000.01 to $25,000 Vice President
$25,000.01 to $100,000 CFO
> $100,000.01 CEO/President

The point at which each Work Item begins.

Used to indicate and define some form of human interaction(e.g., a manager signing a document, a Group acquiring and processing additional information about a document, etc.).

An automatic flow-control task that "suspends" a work item’s progress until specified condition(s) have been met.