View Data Events

The select statement, shown below, is defined to look for all status changes in the EventLog table which were for a specific DocuPhase Application where its document status changed from “P” to another status code value:

§ The DocuPhase Application in this case is Application Table #2 which actually refers to the “_obj_2” eSpeed database table.

§ The original OldValue to find is a “P” status that indicates that the document is “Pending Indexing” which is changed once the document  is indexed.

§ Typically the NewValue assigned after indexing is completed is an “E” status, but this SQL query will accept any NewValue assignments.


The example SQL query:

      select * from eventlog where oldvalue = 'P'  and applicationid = 2 and eventdesc = 'status'

Note: You can change the oldvalue parameter, applicationid parameter and eventdesc as required to create the search criteria you need.