Measure References

Measures are selected by specifying a measure range.  This is usually just a singular reference, with only one reference, but a range of measures can be selected (e.g., ‘m1:m3’), which selects the range from the first to the third measures.

In measure references, no distinction is made between cube measures and custom measures.  If there are three cube measures and two custom measures, the first custom measure is called ‘m4’.



Measure Reference Type

Measure Reference Type Description



Refers to the previous measure relative to the location for the current measure in the cross-tab table.



Refers to the first measure in the cross-tab table (i.e., the left-most or first column on a Left-to-Right basis).



Refers to the last measure in the cross-tab table (i.e., the right-most or first column on a Right-to-Left basis).