
List the Indexes to be used as Search Criteria (e.g. SSN#, Name, Doc Type, Status, etc.) in Index Display Order.  What will be the most common Search parameter?


Index Description

DocuPhase Index Name

Index Type






















































































































Keep Index Fields as Short as Possible for Data Entry or based on an UDL selection.

Column Heading Legend:

    Order – The display order index fields should appear for searches and indexing

    Index Description – Briefly describe the index field

    DocuPhase Index Name – Enter the name to use in DocuPhase

    Index Type – Enter the Index Type name defined or to be defined in DocuPhase

    UDL – Enter the User Defined List (UDL) name defined or to be defined in DocuPhase

    Req - When manually indexing, index value must be supplied

    Sticky - When manually indexing, value remains after item is submitted

    ME - Indicate Multi-Edit, if this index can use a value to change several items at once.  Often used with ad hoc workflow status codes and other purposes.

    ILS – Indicate if Index-Level Security is needed for this index to restrict selected user or groups of users from accessing a sensitive information field.

    DB = Indicate if the values for the index field will be pulled from an external Database

§  Is there an External Database to enhance the Data Entry Operation?

§  List Databases and their ODBC Names, Tables and Fields.