Finish Task

The Finish Task is required for a Process to complete within Progression.  A Finish Task tells Progression that this process instance has come to an end.  

The Finish Task at the end of a process instance discards the current work item, however the documents associated with the work item remain securely stored and protected within DocuPhase.

When a Finish Task is encountered within a sub-process, the task takes the process work item back to the parent process and the work item continues in the parent workflow process from just beyond where the sub-process was entered.


Progression Task

Finish Task Description

The Finish Task is a process end-point and at least one Finish Task is required to complete a process. 

For example, when a workflow process will end, the Finish Task is used to represent a completion point.

Note:  Although there is only one Start Task with its one or more Entry Points, there can be more than one Finish Task node in the design for a process to handle the potentially different ways a process may end on different paths created by Decision Tasks, OR Split Tasks or an Exception Task.

Tip:  Appropriately naming Finish tasks with meaningful names can also be an effective way to clarify the exit conditions that led to this Finish point for the process.

The tabs for multiple types of tasks that the Finish Task has in common with other tasks are listed with x-marks in the grid (above) and they are explained in detail in a previous section (Task Definition – Common Tabs).