DocuPhase System Integration Methods - Guide

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The following reference material provides technical staff with an overview of methods for integrating the DocuPhase Platform with your organization’s many other existing and planned software application solutions.


This material includes a discussion contrasting traditional vs. modern methods for integrating independent software-based solutions. 

It describes how the DocuPhase Platform is designed to integrate with in-house developed solutions as well as commercial solution packages and databases – Without custom programming or making modification to the other solutions which are often ‘canned’ and are not able or desired to accept changes.

These guide-topics provide an overall summary of the many available methods for system solution integration with the DocuPhase Platform. 

The following topic links below or the NetHelp: Contents, Index and Search tabs can be used to conveniently navigate to the information you need as well as access the complete manual as a PDF for viewing and/or download by clicking the _View PDF_ link.