Document Preparation Checklist

The following are general Paper Document Preparation Tips and Techniques.

R Remove Staples, Paper Clips and Post it Notes from the documents.

R If there are small receipts, such as for Taxis, Restaurants, etc, tape the receipts to a piece of paper to serve as the background for the entire document. Tape the receipt on a white piece of paper at least 1 ½ to 2 inches from the top of the page. Tape the receipt so there are no loose corners at the top of the receipt; however, taping the bottom and sides of the receipt are not necessary.

Rounded Rectangle:    Note:  A receipt taped to close to the top of the page may not feed through the scanner properly and may take additional preparation time to scan the documents.

R Do not tape over text or amounts on the receipts. Scotch tape is reflective and can cause pertinent information not to display on the scanned images.

R When signing documents, use blue ink so there is no confusion as to what was an original and what was a copy.

R Try to staple a document the least amount of times as possible. The more holes, the harder it is to feed documents through certain scanners properly and ensure pages are not double-feeding and you are missing necessary documents.

Rounded Rectangle:    Note:  ScanDox offers multiple image processing options and can take care of some of these types of issues for you; however, if you prepare your documents properly before scanning them, the likelyhood of having to potentially use the image processing techniques is significantly lowered.

R Insure all documents to be scanned are right side up and facing forward.

R Insure all documents are unfolded and smoothed out so that the paper is not wrinkled or pages have not been turned down or overused in such a manner that it would create paper jams.