Adding a Document Identifier

Select the Document Identifiers tree node or an existing Document Identifier tree node after which you want to add the new document identifier.

To add a document identifier, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Add Document Identifier button. ADIbutton

A new document identifier node (Draw Zone) is created, as shown below.


2.  Using the Select Zone arrow tool in the Image Viewer, draw a zone around an area on the displayed page that contains a value to be assigned to the document identifier.

Rounded Rectangle: •	Note:  To draw a zone, begin by moving the mouse cursor to the position on the page within the Image Viewer where the top left position of the zone will start. 
Next, press and hold down the left mouse button. While continuing to hold the mouse button, move the mouse downward and to the right. A rectangular area will appear and resize as the mouse is moved. 
When you are satisfied with the zone drawn, release the mouse button.


iDox automatically extracts the value within the zone and will change the identifier node from “Draw Zone” to the value extracted, as shown below.


If a zone is drawn over multiple lines as shown in the red outline below, iDox will be unable to extract a value from the zone because it will not be able to tell which value to use.  The identifier node will then prompt you to Set Properties.



To isolate a single value from a zone in which multiple values are selected, you can use one of three methods:

1.  Redraw the zone so that it covers only a single value;

2.  Click the Select Text Within a Zone button on the main toolbar (see illustration below) to draw a zone within the larger zone. This inner zone must be drawn around a single line of text.

It will display as dashes as it is drawn and will disappear when the mouse button is released. If the selected zone is valid, the identifier node will change from Set Properties to the value extracted from the inner zone.

In the illustration below, drawing a new zone within the original zone (around the text, INVOICE) will extract INVOICE and change the tree node from Set Properties to INVOICE


3.  Set properties for the identifier to manually enter a literal or mask to extract an identifier value from the zone.