Data Modification

The Data Modification Tab allows you to set default index values, constant index values or to modify the extracted index value further by applying additional options.

The following options are present on the Data Modification tab:

Default Value
When enabled, this option allows you to enter a value that iDox will assign if an index value is not present in the document index zone based on the following conditions:

§ If No Data – when this option is selected, the default value entered will be used as an index value if no index value is found within a zone.

§ If Data Error - when this option is selected, the default value entered will be used if an invalid index value is found within a zone.

Constant Value
When enabled, this option allows you to enter a value that iDox will always assign to an index. Since a constant value is always used as an index value, no zone is required to be drawn. Any zone that has been drawn for this document index will be cleared.

Rounded Rectangle: •	Note:  If Constant Value is enabled, ALL other fields and options on the form are inaccessible to prevent the constant value from being changed.
•	Default Value and Constant Value are mutually exclusive (i.e., if one option is selected, the other option becomes inaccessible).
•	If the selected DocuPhase index is a user-defined list within iSyergy, both the Default and Constant fields will be a drop-down list from which the user can select a predefined value.

Find & Replace
Allows you to enter alphanumeric values for which iDox will find and replace within an index value.

Rounded Rectangle:    Note:  If a value is entered in the Find field, but no value is entered in the Replace field, all instances of the Find value within the extracted index value will be removed.

Prepend & Append
Allows you to enter a prefix and/or suffix value to be attached to an index value.

Case Conversion
This field contains four options that enable you to convert index values to none (i.e., original appearance), upper case, lower case, or proper case.

Remove Punctuation
When selected, this option removes all punctuation characters from an index value.

Replace Punctuation value1 With value2
This field enables you to replace within an index value all instances of punctuation character value1 with punctuation character value2 or a space. (e.g., replace punctuation “/” with ““).

Rounded Rectangle:    Note:  A punctuation character is any character other than 0-9, A-Z, a-z and a space.


Remove Embedded Spaces
When selected, this option deletes all spaces within an index value.

Remove Leading Zeroes
When selected, this option removes all leading zeros from an index value.
(e.g., 0000012345 becomes 12345).

Translation Type
This field contains a drop-down list of Translation Types that are stored within the DocuPhase database. If a translation type is selected, iDox will search the Translations table within the database for the literal value that was extracted from within the document index zone.

If the literal value is found in the table, iDox takes the associated value from the table and uses it as an index value.

If the literal is not found in the table, normal processing takes place and the index value is the result of the index extract method and any special processing applied (see Appendix A: Addendum – Using Translation Tables with iDox).