Configuration Background

The configuration of DocuPhase varies greatly from client to client. The DocuPhase Client Support

Services Team can help guide you towards a proper decision for hardware and software configuration and purchases.


Depending upon the following factors, clients can choose to implement very basic solutions that consists of two servers as well as advanced solutions that consists of four to five servers, specialized switches, and external storage devices.


The differences among these various levels of solutions lie in the following areas:

§ Number of system users

§ Quantity of documents captured and managed

§ DocuPhase services and components used and deployed

§ Document retrieval speed

§ Application responsiveness

§ Recovery times in the event of disaster

§ Failover in the event of hardware failure

§ Budget


Likewise, DocuPhase is the Core for many integrated and optional add-on products such as Progression, ScanDox, mCapture, iForms, DocuPhase Analytics, iRetention to name just a few.  Depending on similar factors to those listed above, these components can also impact your configuration plans.


Configuration of the environment can have a significant impact on solution performance and its impact is not a linear function of the cost of the environment. This is because the DocuPhase server and its services have been optimized to perform within a scalable set of hardware.


However, more robust environments can guarantee sustainable application responsiveness in high demand situations and give you more security from a recovery and failover perspective.


Advanced configurations also eliminate single points of failure and fall back to secondary standby servers.  These types of configurations are available with hardware such as SAN devices, network load balanced switches, redundant servers, and clustering services.


In the following sections, you will find an array of configuration options that summarize basic and advanced configurations.