Application Linking

List Other Applications that may have relevant information that will need to be cross-referenced to items stored in this Application. (For example the relationship between PO’s, Invoices and Checks)

          Other Related Applications

1)  ____________________________

2)  ____________________________

3)  ____________________________

4)  ____________________________

List the common index fields between related Applications.

          Other Related Indexes

1)  ____________________________

2)  ____________________________

3)  ____________________________

4)  ____________________________

What will be the formal names of the indexes?

          Formal Index Names

1)  ____________________________

2)  ____________________________

3)  ____________________________

4)  ____________________________


Note: In order to optimize the effectiveness of Dynamic Linking (i.e., Cross Query), it is important to use the same Index Field Names with the same value domains (e.g., same datatypes, UDLs, etc.) for corresponding information in each of the related Application Cabinets. This will improve the ability to search and locate related information across cabinet boundaries.