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Routing Documents (Non-Progression Users Only)

The process of routing allows a User to "re-associate" a Document from one destination to another while it remains in the Repository (e.g., from an Application to an Inbox).




There are two ways of routing Documents:

  • Pre-Sort General Capture is the "area" within the General Capture Application where Documents are stored until they are routed to various destinations (i.e., Applications or Inboxes) for manual Indexing. General Capture is basically a Document-filing Application that serves as the general point of capture for non-Indexed Documents entering the DocuPhase system.

Because they have no Index values assigned yet, Documents held in General Capture are not yet associated with a specific Application. When a Document resides within the General Capture Application, you can move the Document to another Application (for manual Indexing); or to an Inbox where it can be stored temporarily until the assigned User or Group can assign and Index it for the appropriate Application.

  • Inbox gives you the ability to route Documents to a specific individual or Group Inbox, or to an Application.



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