Zoom to Region

The Zoom to Region function is used to select a rectangular area on the displayed page image to magnify using the crossbar-cursor tooltip. 

§ The crossbar-cursor tooltip remains available for subsequent region selections, but it may be replaced by the panning-cursor tooltip when the Pan icon () is selected.

§ The magnification and position of the selected region is retained for other image pages for the same or different documents until a Zoom In, Zoom Out, Best Fit or Fit to Width operation is performed to clear the region setting.


To Zoom to Region, follow these steps:

1.  With a document page displayed in the Document Viewer Pane, click the Zoom to Region icon on the top toolbar to magnify the displayed image.

2.  A crossbar-cursor tooltip is displayed when the cursor is in the Document Viewing Pane.  The crossbar-cursor can be used to select a rectangular area on the image for magnification by left-clicking and dragging the cursor with the mouse.

3.  As you navigate to different pages and documents, the previously selected region is displayed with the same magnification.

§ The crossbar-cursor tooltip remains displayed which allows you to optionally select a new region for viewing and magnification.

§ Use of the Pan tool () allows you to navigate to the desired viewing area of the magnified image should it have move beyond view in the Document Viewer Pane.  Selection of the Pan tool will replace the regional crossbar-cursor tooltip with the pan-cursor tooltip for selective image navigation.

§ Likewise, the horizontal and vertical scroll bars on the viewer can also be used to navigate to the desired viewing area.

§ Selection of Best Fit or Fit to Width icons will serve to override all current Zoom to Region settings.