Top List

Smartpad:  Calculations tab

The Top list function offers an easy-to-use approach to isolating either negative or positive values in a result set.   As indicated by the terminology, a Top list consists of the best or worst part of values for an Object.

For instance, if it is desirable to focus on the revenue for the five (5) best months of the year, a positive Top list can be built for the Revenue pr. Time Analysis.  The column to be used for Top list can be selected in the drop-list just below the Top-list Edit Field.

Note: Top lists are based on the present sorting of the Object.  This means that if the Object is sorted on the Time column, a five (5) item Top list will show the Months 1-5.

If the object is “unsorted” (i.e., no explicit sorting has been chosen), then activating the Top List function will cause the object to be sorted automatically according to the right-most column.

Also consider that by setting Top List to five (5) and sorting the object in ascending order on the right-most column will actually result in a Bottom list (and vice versa).