Tools Menu Tab

The Tools Menu Tab displays a list of complementary products that are licensed and available for you to use on your workstation, as shown below.

The purpose of the list of available to Tools is to allow permitted users to launch their own workstation install which runs automatically except for responding with a “Yes” to Download and Install prompt questions during the installation process.


Rounded Rectangle:     Note:  Once you have completed the installation process for one of the Tools products such as ScanDox from this list, normally DO NOT click this entry (e.g., Tools>ScanDox) again on the same workstation (unless you need to install it again, after it has been un-installed using Windows Control Panel).



To select and install a complementary DocuPhase product for use with DocuPhase on your workstation, follow the steps below:


1.  Navigate to Tools>ScanDox, as shown below.


1.  After clicking the complementary product you wish to install, a sequence of download and installation windows appears for you to respond affirmatively and display progress as the product is downloaded and installed on your workstation.

Rounded Rectangle: •	Note:  The prerequisites and actual download/installation sequence for each of these complementary products in the Tools Menu list is provided in an appendix of its respective manual.
If you have concerns as to whether the prerequisites are met or should you encounter problems after installation, contact your DocuPhase administrator or DocuPhase Support.


The DocuPhase solution installer determines which of these four products are licensed and are made available to the Install Server to advertise on your Tools Menu and download upon your request. 

When none of these products are made available to advertise on the Tools Menu, the Tools Menu does not appear.

Rounded Rectangle:    Important Note:
Remember that once you have installed a complementary product, you normally will not need to use this Tools Menu to select the same product again.  
The Tools Menu Tab is just for requesting an initial download and installation of the product -- It is not the way to use the product after its installation!


Note:  As an alternative, the modules provided by the Tools Menu can also be pre-installed on the workstations where they will be needed by using a download utility function controlled by your system’s administrator – This approach, relieves end-users from initiating a download using the Tools Menu.

For more information on this topic :  See the ‘Unattended Workstation Install Manual’ for the DocuPhase Platform.