Task>Steps>Suspension Settings

The Task>Steps>Suspension Settings is displayed when Allow Suspending is selected. The Suspensions Settings Window displays enabling you to define a preset suspended time and a user selectable suspended time.



Task>Steps>Suspension Settings Description

Preset Suspend Time

With this option set, the maximum allowed Suspend time for this Task Step can be defined as a default setting using the maximum Suspend Time panel.

Note:  Users cannot override this setting at run-time since the Progression Designer has set and enforced this default.

Max. Suspend Time

Provides the ability to define maximum Suspend time for this Task Step for both Preset and User-Selectable Suspend options.

User Selectable Suspend


Enables the current authorized user to determine the Suspend Time maximum for this Task Step using one or ways as established by the Progression Designer.

      The Max. Suspend Time is defined in the panel defined in the row above.

      The User-Selectable Suspend options are shown and defined in the following row.

User Selectable Suspend Options:

§ Allow User to Select Day from Calendar

§ Allow User to Enter Time

§ Allow User to Select from List

§ Force User to Enter a Comment

§ Allow Team Suspension



These options that the user can employ at run-time can be individually granted by the Progression Designer:

      Allow the User to Select a Day from a Calendar control

      Allow a User to Enter a date & time in ddd:hh:mm format

      Allow a User to Select the Maximum Suspension time from a list of the designated by the Progression Designed, as shown below

      Force a User to enter a value into the comment field; Unchecked, this option allows the user to optionally enter a comment or not.

§ The Allow Team Suspension option, permits the user to optionally suspend the work-item task and have it visible to other members of the Task’s subscribers under the ‘My Team’s Suspended Work Items’ horizontal-tab area of the Work Queue page.

OK button

Ends configuration, applies all changes and returns to previous screen.

Cancel button

Cancels configuration, discards any unsaved changes and returns to previous screen.