
Scanning is the process of converting paper Documents into electronic formatted Documents.

When converted by scanning, an electronic Document becomes an image file with the extension TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) – Also, other scanned document formats are possible and can be stored in DocuPhase (e.g., PDF, JPG, etc.).  This process of converting paper Documents to digital Documents typically uses high performance, production-oriented scanners that can process from 15-200+ pages per minute. 

DocuPhase can route, store and manage converted TIFF Documents as pages of native images.  The DocuPhase document viewer is able to display, manipulate and annotate TIFF images.

Rounded Rectangle:   Note:  Although other types of document and image files can be stored in DocuPhase an alternate viewer appropriate to the file type may be employed for viewing and/or access.


For example, Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Excel documents may be stored in DocuPhase and viewed within DocuPhase as well as viewed and edited using their original products when configured and permissions allow. 

Other specialized products like Microsoft Visio, Project or CAD drawings, etc. can also be viewed with another viewer designed for that purpose. 

Likewise, sound and video files can be stored in DocuPhase and when accessed, appropriate sound and video player software present on your workstation and associated with the file suffix can present the sound/audio content.