Rubber Stamp

The Rubber Stamp function gives users, that are granted the ability, the means to indicate approval, denial, or other endorsements onto a Document’s page image(s) by affixing a digital “rubber stamp” impression. The use and modification of rubber stamps is permission based.

To apply a rubber stamp to a Document page image, follow these steps:

1.  Select the Rubber Stamp icon.

§ By default, there are three stamps to choose from: Denied, Received, or Approved.

§ In addition, new Rubber-Stamp types can be created by a DocuPhase Administrator to provide other stamp topics such as: “Paid”, “Final”, “Closed”, etc. to meet your specific organizations needs using the Administration Menu entry for Rubber Stamps. 


2.  Rubber Stamps, like other Annotation objects, are maintained as an independent overlay to the document page image and do not alter the original document image. Select a Rubber Stamp from the list.

Each rubber stamp object can be defined to have additional text information supplied within the stamp image that is applied.  Notice the default stamps, shown above, will provide current information at the time the stamp is applied indicating the:

§ The User’s ID that applied the stamp (e.g., <user>)

§ The user’s name as it is defined for the DocuPhase User ID (e.g., <name>)

§ The Date the stamp was applied (e.g., <date>)

§ The Time the stamp was applied (e.g., <time>)


3.  Drop the Rubber Stamp annotation-image on the Document by clicking the left-mouse button above the location on the page image where you wish to place it.

Note: Right-click on the rubber stamp to cut, copy, or delete it.