Note Annotation

The following types of Annotation operations are supported:

§ Insert Note Annotations

§ Select an Annotation

§ Hide Annotations

§ Remove or Manipulate Annotations


To insert an Annotation, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Note Annotations icon.

2.  Drag-select on the document to denote an area where you would like to apply an annotation.

3.  Release the mouse.

4.  Enter text into the annotation box

5.  Click outside of the annotation.


To Select an Annotation to manipulate, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Select Annotation icon and the crossed-arrows tooltip appears indicating that the selected annotation can be moved in any direction once the object is selected.

2.  Continue selecting annotations such as: highlights, note-annotations, rubber-stamps and redaction annotations and moving them to desired positions on displayed images in the viewer Pane.

3.  The crossed-arrows annotation-move tooltip will remain active as you navigate to other pages in the same document.  However, once you select and display a new document, the Select Annotations feature is cancelled.


To Hide all Annotations, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Hide Annotations icon to make all highlight, note annotations, rubber stamp and redaction annotations disappear from display in the viewer pane.  Only the original document image is visible.

2.  Click the same icon again to make all highlight, note, rubber stamp and redaction annotations re-appear in the viewer pane.  The original document image with overlay annotations appears.



To Remove or Manipulate any Annotation, follow these steps:

1.  Click the Select An Annotation icon

2.  Select the Annotation object to be manipulated  using the left-mouse button.

3.  The selected annotation can be deleted by pressing the Delete-key or the Ctrl-x keys.
Likewise, a list of manipulations ( including “Cut”  to remove it) for the selected annotation object can be displayed by clicking the right-mouse button to produce a drop-down menu, as shown below.


4.  Click the appropriate drop-down menu option to complete the desired operation on the selected Annotation object.

Note: In the child menu, options exist for making changes to the font, foreground and background color, as well as moving the annotation front or back.  From the parent drop-down menu, the user may also cut, copy, and clear the Annotation.

If you select Text or Background Color from the submenu, the palette displays.