Logging In

To login as an iForms designer user, you simply login to DocuPhase:

1.  At the Login screen, type in your DocuPhase Login ID and Password


Rounded Rectangle:   Remember:  
Passwords are case sensitive!


2.  If the login is unsuccessful, DocuPhase displays an error message and the cursor returns to the Login ID field.  Re-enter your login parameters and make sure to check your keyboard’s capital lock key indicator. 

3.  A successful Login to DocuPhase displays the default view of the Search page and the DocuPhase Main Menu Bar.  Select Administration>Forms Manager and DocuPhase displays the Forms Manager page, shown below.


The DocuPhase Forms Manager page displays a list of existing iForms Templates (only one is listed at this time) and an active Manage Link to edit and maintain each listed existing iForms

The Create Form button is used to begin the definition of a new iForm template.