
Toolbar: ‘Create a new cross tabulation’

Smartpad:  Properties Tab > Object Type

Smartpad:  Properties Tab > Options and Formatting


Gauges are used to display the value, progress or trend of a measure or a calculation relative to a fixed or dynamic scale. Gauge objects may contain one or more Gauges and are often used to design Dashboard Analyses as Analytics documents.

The following example illustrates the underlying tabular data that Analytics easily transformed into a Gauge rendering when the Gauge Chart property button is applied to the selected Cross-Tab object – Each Process Dimension’s ‘Work Time’ value can be displayed by each Gauge created.   The Process Name ‘Warranty Claim Process” is displayed by the indicator arrow in the Gauge object shown below.



When a new Gauge object has been added to the Work Area, the measure or calculation to be displayed must initially be selected from the ‘Add KPI’ option in Smartpad Properties. Selecting a single measure or calculation and fetched data will create a complete Gauge object with several intelligent, default settings:

§ The default Time dimension will automatically be included. The default Time dimension is either the Time dimension that was last used in a gauge object or, if none has been used so far, the Time dimension with the highest number of levels. The Time dimension will be expanded to its second level.

§ The data displayed by the primary (broad) pointer in the Speedometer gauge will be from the last period of the second level of this Time dimension.

§ The goal displayed by the secondary (narrow) pointer in the Speedometer gauge has been calculated from the formula: “Goal = MaxValue + (MaxValue – MinValue) * 0.2” where MaxValue and MinValue are the highest and lowest values, respectively, within the available periods.

§ The Speedometer gauge span, the minimum and maximum values of the Speedometer gauge, has been calculated from these formulas: “MaxSpan = the highest value of either MaxValue*1.1 or Goal*1.1” and “MinSpan = the lowest value of either MinValue*0.9 or Goal*0.9”.

§ The Trend gauge is a graphical presentation of the overall trend of data within the selected time span. It is based on the regression column which can be seen when shifting to the data view of the gauge object. The formula for the regression is best displayed by clicking the Explanation icon in the gauge object. A positive X multiplier will display a positive trend, while a negative X multiplier will display a negative trend.

§ The Trend gauge span, the minimum and maximum values of the Trend gauge, has been calculated from these formulas: “MaxSpan = the highest absolute value of MaxValue /2, MinValue/2 or Goal/2” and “MinSpan = -MaxSpan”. Goal is calculated as with the Speedometer gauge, and even though Goal is not displayed in the Trend gauge it may have an effect on the span of the Trend gauge.