
You may search the Document’s image content for a specified text word or phrase using Full-Text content that is obtained by Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology.

To use the Find function, follow these steps:

1.  With a document displayed in the Document Viewer Pane, click the Find icon on the top toolbar.


2.  A popup dialog box appears for you to enter the word or phrase you wish to locate within the currently displayed document, as shown below.  For example, search for the word “total”.




3.  Selecting the Next Button, advances to the first instance of the word “total” and highlights it.  Upper or lower case spelling of the word is ignored and matching is done on the specified pattern so that both “total” and “totals” will match.


As shown (above) in the Viewer Pane, the first match is highlighted on the image.

4.  By clicking the Next button again, advances the match to the next occurrence of the search pattern on the same page or other pages in the document being viewed, as shown below.

Likewise, selection of the Previous button reverses the search to the prior match.


5.  To terminate the Find operation, select the Close button.


Note: While the Find is in progress, it controls the paging and display of the document.