Aggregation Functions

Aggregation functions are numerical functions that summarize statistical information about the members of element sets such as computing their Sum, Count, Average, etc.

The following table lists and describes the Analytics formula Aggregation Functions.



Aggregation Function

Aggregation Function Description

Sum (of elements):

sum( [element sets] )

Returns the simple sum of the elements.

Count (non-empty elements):

count( [element sets] )

Returns the number of non-empty elements.

Count All (elements):

allcount( [element sets] )

Returns the number of elements, both empty and non-empty.

Standard Deviation (of elements):

stdev( [element sets] )

Returns the computed Standard Deviation of the elements.

Average (of elements):

avg( [element sets] )

Returns the computed Average of the elements.

Maximum Value (in elements)

max( [element sets] )

Returns the highest value present in the elements.

Minimum Value (in elements)

min( [element sets] )

Returns the lowest value present in the elements.