Add Calculation

There are several predefined calculations listed under Add calculation.  When a predefined calculation is chosen, first it must be determined under which conditions the calculation should be added.

This is done via a number of logical steps, which are common for all predefined calculations. The number of steps will vary, depending on the number of measures and dimensions in the selected object.

This process is made as self-explanatory as possible.  For instance, if the object is built with only one measure and one dimension, the chosen predefined calculation will be automatically applied in the correct place – simply by clicking it.

Here is a list of available Smart calculations:

§ Total:  This function will calculate the sum of the chosen measure(s) across the X- or Y-axes according to the choice of dimension.

§ Average:  This function will calculate the average of the chosen measure(s) across the X- or Y-axes according to the choice of dimension.

§ Standard deviation:  This function will calculate the standard deviation of the chosen measure(s) across the X- or Y-axis according to the choice of dimension.

§ Accumulated sum:  This function will calculate the accumulated sum, from top to bottom or from left to right, of the chosen measure(s) of the last column or last row according to the choice of dimension.

§ Accumulated average:  This function will calculate the accumulated average, from top to bottom or from left to right, of the chosen measure(s) of the last column or last row according to the choice of dimension.

§ Difference:  This function will calculate the difference of the chosen measure(s) in the last two columns or the last two rows according to the choice of dimension.

§ Growth percent:  This function will calculate the ‘Growth percent’ of the chosen measure(s) in the last two columns or the last two rows according to the choice of dimension.

§ Measure difference:  This function will calculate the difference of two chosen measures in the last column or the last row according to the choice of dimension. Note that you will be requested to choose an A-measure and subsequently a B-measure. The calculation will be A-B.

§ Index percent:  This function will calculate the index percent of the chosen measure in the last column or the last row according to the choice of dimension. Each measure value will be calculated as a percentage of the topmost or leftmost measure value.

§ Percentage:  This function will calculate the index percent of the chosen measure in the last column or the last row according to the choice of dimension. Each measure value will be calculated as a percentage of the total of all measure values.

§ Index of average:  This function will calculate the index of average of the chosen measure in the last column or the last row according to the choice of dimension. Each measure value will be calculated as a percentage of the average of all measure values.

§ Custom calculation:  This function makes it possible to add your own customized calculation formula in the ‘Enter calculation’ box.

As an example, we will add a ‘Total’ row for each company name to this cross-tab object which already has this total in its top row, but we will see it added on the bottom row, as illustrated below.


Note:  The Bottom line is named ‘Total’ by default, however it can be easily changed to another title such as ‘Calc-Total’ as well as make other refinements as described in the Modify a Calculation topic that follows.